Winter Storm update - The Sunday Service was be held by zoom.There will not be a YouTube posting of this week's service.
All are welcome to join our in-person Sunday service at 10 a.m.
Sunday services are being livestreamed from Grace Anglican Church, Waterdown, at 10am. Live and recorded worship services can be accessed on the Grace YouTube Channel. To get to our Youtube page, click here or click or on the red YouTube button on the top left of our website
Nursery Care is now being provided Sunday mornings from 9:45 - 11:30 in Bobby's Place
Sunday Worship YouTube link Sept 19, 2021
No In-Person Sunday School at this Time
During the pandemic, children remain with the adults that brought them at all times when in the church building. Services have been modified to be child-friendly. or 905-689-6715 x 80
Archived Series: Two Priests on the Patio
Congratulations to the
Weekly Winner of $200
are Marilyn and Milton Bertrand